Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A Self Obsessed Generation

A Self Obsessed Generation

Is our modern technology really innovative, or is it just mind-numbing?

When people hear the word 'technology', they often think of some kind of machine created to increase productivity. Ask someone to define the word, and they'll probably give an answer that is something like "equipment that increases performance". Everyone is always dying to have the latest technology. People tend to feel more capable of achieving and accomplishing things. They feel ahead of the rest. But when does this machinery cross the line from being innovative and helpful, to being distracting and stupefying? This generation of humans has become consumed in a virtual reality ironically named social media, although it has destroyed the world's real social skills and interactions. Real people all with real, unique lives are all conforming to fake, planned out profiles. Free time has been replaced with game time and conversations have turned into texts. The reward system of 'likes' and messages has overpowered any kind of real life gratification. And it is all too easy to do. So, if social media has made it so easy to look good and create relationships, why is this generation made up of the loneliest people?

Over the next five and a half months, I will be documenting the technological takeover of this generation. The self obsession caused by creating a positive online image of ourselves, the true laziness and sadness of our relationships, the true non-productivity of owning a cell phone, and the zombification of the human race. Technology has grabbed hold of our attention and has rooted itself deep within our lives and culture. It has completely taken over the modern world. But by utilizing it to document it's takeover, I hope to open the people's eyes back to what is really going on in front of them. With the use of photos, videos, and blog posts, I hope to provide moving examples of how much time this virtual reality is taking away from our precious lives. Publishing my results online will make it seen by it's victims first hand. It will be in the belly of the beast- on cell phones, social media, email, blogs, and videos. Technology users have become addicted and mesmerized by its deceptive charm. By throwing in this eye-opening reality check, people will be shocked and disgusted by what the human race has really become. We are brainwashed by screens, only posting what we want others to see and know. And a fake, better reality is always not only the most addictive kind of high, but it is also the hardest addiction to break. 

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